• Should you videotape your simcha?


• Why shouldn't you have a friend

   or relative do it for free?


• What distinguishes a "high end"

   video from a "low end" video?


• How would I, your videographer,

   prepare for your simcha?


• What will my presence be like

   at your simcha?


• Can I select the music for my video?


• How do I work with photographers?


• What is the time duration of a

   completed Sass Video production?





• How does Sass Video determine





• How soon before your simcha

   should you book?



• Should you videotape your simcha?


Imagine what it would be like to watch your grandfather's Bar Mitzvah or your parents wedding. Most families say that their simcha went by so fast that they could hardly remember anything that happened. Not surprisingly, one of the biggest regrets families experience after their simcha is deciding not to have professional video. Family simchas — especially in Israel — are full of once-in-a-lifetime moments that should be documented and relived with future generations. Although good photographs capture singular moments, there is no substitute for a living, breathing, vocal account of the most defining moments of your life.




• Why shouldn't you have a friend or relative do it for free?


Unless you're related to Steven Spielberg, I can't emphasize enough what a huge difference there is between home video and a professionally-produced video. Your friend or relative may have great intentions, but it's highly unlikely they have the equipment (professional cameras, wireless microphones, editing gear...) a professional has. They also probably don't have the know-how or experience to produce a quality, or even watchable video. Also, do they have the stamina or readiness to be on top of all the especially important moments?  And wouldn't you prefer them to participate in your simcha?   Ultimately, to make great video, the person you hire must be meticulous in searching out the best angles and experienced enough to anticipate the best moments. Your simcha is simply too important to leave to chance.




• What distinguishes a "high end" video from a "low end" video?


High end videos require no excuses and capture the day's essential moments. The sound is clear and crisp, the images have accurate color and the camera-work is smooth. The pace is quick and captivating, never dragging on longer than necessary. Special effects are content driven, not just used because they "look neat".




• How would I, your videographer, prepare for your simcha?


I start by gathering lots of information to gain an insight into the personality of the main players in the simcha; I need to know what's important to you. I go over the events of your simcha with a fine-toothed comb and familiarize myself with the key people involved. I arrive well in advance of the function to determine the best way to set up my equipment. My goal is to have a thorough understanding of what to expect from the simcha from beginning to end.




• What will my presence be like at your simcha?


Unfortunately, the traditional attitude of videographers and photographers in Israel is the desire for being the center of attention, and in some absurd way, the most important element of the simcha. Sass Video Productions takes the opposite approach. A truly skilled videographer with the best equipment does not need to have his presence felt to get the perfect shot. There is nothing more troubling to a guest than missing the entire wedding ceremony because the videographer and photographer are standing right in front of the chupah. I use a very discrete setup, involving no cables or overpowering lights. My HD cameras do an excellent job of picking up quality images in low-light situations and I use a small light only when absolutely necessary.




• Can I select the music for my video?


Not only can you select the music, but I strongly encourage you to do so. Nothing can ruin an amazing production more than background music that the family does not like.  If you need help with your music selections, I do make an extensive list of recommended music options available to my clients.




• How do I work with photographers?


Upon request, I would be happy to provide you with a list of photographers I would recommend. Nevertheless, I work well with all the local photographers. This naturally results in better photographs and better video.




• What is the time duration of a completed Sass Video production?


Typically, my finished productions will be around 60-90 minutes. Don't be fooled into thinking that a longer video means a better video. The perfect video is the one you want to watch (and share) time and time again.






Your digital delivery will be ready six to eight weeks after your event date, provided all the necessary material i.e. music picks has been provided. For an additional fee, Sass Video Productions does offer an expedited turnaround.




• How does Sass Video determine prices?


My prices are based on one variable: time. The more footage I have to work through, the more time will be required to edit your video. All tallied, I'll spend up to 70 editing hours for a single production. When you consider that most photographers generally spend half that amount of time on a single project it's no wonder that good videography should cost at least as much, if not considerably more than photography.




• How does the deposit work?


Your deposit goes toward your total service package and is fully refundable for 14 business days.






When the production is completed, I will send you a link to download your video. This link will be active for 60 days and can be shared with family and friends via social media. You can download the video directly to your computer or laptop to keep for years to come! Additionally Sass Video Productions can make your video viewable on-line from a private family simcha web page.




• How soon before your simcha should you book?


Popular seasonal dates fill up quickly. It is not uncommon to book 6 months to 1 year in advance.

SASS VIDEO PRODUCTIONS   /   02-993-4529